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HECTOR project concludes and publishes final public report

REVIVE has collaborated with the HECTOR project since signing a letter of cooperation in December 2019 as two flagship projects advancing the state of hydrogen refuse trucks by developing and deploying the technology across Europe. The projects have worked together to address key challenges, holding regular discussions about the state of the sector & technology, sharing best practices & lessons learned, and communicating jointly about advancements in the projects.

The HECTOR project concluded with its Final Conference on 25th October 2023, hosted by Aberdeen City Council, and has now published two final reports from the project: a data analysis report from the operation of the trucks & a driver survey, and an operational handbook providing guidance on how to specify, procure and deploy FC refuse trucks.

The two reports from HECTOR are valuable resources for stakeholders in the sector as well as those interested in learning more about the technology. The operational handbook will help fleet operators to specify, procure and deploy their first fuel cell waste trucks by sharing the experience and learnings from a pan-European research and vehicle trial project. The results and learnings gathered will be further elaborated by analysis and conclusions from the REVIVE project as the project collects real-world operational data from the REVIVE sites.

Download the HECTOR documents:

HECTOR operational handbook

HECTOR data analysis report