In Groningen 2 refuse trucks will be deployed: 1 side loader and 1 rear loader. Perhaps a third truck comes into play. Another rearloader refuse truck, which will be used for paper collection.
Both rear-loaders will be operated in the inner city or around Groningen. The crane truck will collect rest waste from the underground containers. The other truck will collect hand loaded paper and bins filled with paper or cardboard.
The side loader will be operating in the area around the inner city where single-family houses are situated and it will collect the households’ garbage bins.
The trucks will refuel at our municipal refilling station at the Duinkerkenstraat in Groningen. This is next to our storage depot. The refuelling station uses solar power from the area next to the station. So the hydrogen is green.
The two trucks are expected around May and August 2021. (The third truck might be delivered at the end of ’21 or the begining of ’22.) The trucks will be in operation for 11 years or longer.
Local strategy
The Municipality of Groningen is accelerating the energy transition by aiming for a co2 neutral city in 2035. We are also striving to drastically reduce our emissions in the inner city. We will do this by only accepting emission free vehicles and machines in the city centre from 2025 onwards. So, larger trucks and polluting cars will not be allowed in the inner city. As a result of this, also our municipal refuse trucks and other vehicles running currently on diesel will need to be adapted. Besides this goal to reduce co2, there is also a hydrogen development going on in the North of the Netherlands. This region is called the hydrogen valley and together with many stakeholders in this region, we conduct research, invest, test and implement hydrogen solutions in mobility, manufacturing, heating systems and storage. The north of the Netherlands is a logical place for this development because we are close to the sea (for wind energy to produce green hydrogen) and we used to be the energy valley due to the presence of a large gas bubble.
Info about the city: Groningen is the fifth largest city of the Netherlands. It is also the capital city of the province of Groningen and is the largest city in the north of the Netherlands. The municipality houses around 220.000 inhabitants. With two universities and a university hospital, the city attracts many students from all over the country and the world. Around 25% of our citizens are student and this makes us the youngest city in the Netherlands. Groningen houses many of the ‘new economy’ companies, which are focussed on energy transition, green energies such as solar and wind, the IT sector, cybersecurity and data. The mix of young graduates and this economy results in a fast development of our energy economy.
More info
Local contact details
Gerrit Griffioen
Fleet management
+31 651420077